COLEACP has been taking part in the GLOBALG.A.P. World Consultation Tour, with inputs to the consultation on the Fruit and Vegetables Control Points and Compliance Criteria, as well as the General Regulations. This is the largest worldwide consultation ever undertaken for a private standard for good agricultural practices (GAP) as GLOBALG.A.P. is in the process of revising its Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard version 6. COLEAP has a representative on the GFSI Global Markets Technical Committee, which has just finished updating the GFSI Global Markets (Manufacturing) Toolkit, and is about to start on the update of the Primary Production Toolkit. These updates ensure alignment with Codex and Version 8 of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements. The Global Markets Programme is a stepwise pathway towards Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)-recognised certification for companies that lack or wish to improve their food safety systems. Progression through the Global Markets Programme is facilitated through open-access toolkits that guide companies through three pre-certification stages: Self-Assessment, Basic and Intermediate. The latter two stages involve unaccredited assessments based on food safety systems, good manufacturing or agricultural practices and control of food hazards. After completing the Intermediate level of the programme, companies are ready to apply for certification within a GFSI-recognised CPO. COLEACP follows webinars for members of the ISEAL Alliance, the global membership organisation for credible sustainability standards. Recent webinars included “What do we know about the impacts of market-based sustainability tools on farmer livelihoods?” (1 October). The next upcoming event will focus on “Choosing effective strategies to drive sustainability improvements”, with a discussion on a new guidance and decision-making framework developed by AidEnvironment on how standards organisations can prioritise different strategies and take into account external conditions when doing so. CIRAD and COLEACP are discussing the prospects for their R&D partnership aimed at contributing to sustainable agriculture and supporting the ecological transition that will be essential for developing more resilient food systems. The two organisations plan, for example, to collaborate on scaling-up certain innovations; to work on good practices throughout the agri-food chain with a view to promoting them through COLEACP networks; and to boost the adoption of research results, including in the field of digital agriculture. COLEACP and the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) both promote safe and sustainable vegetable supply chains across continents. Bringing together research expertise and a solid network of private sector operators, the organisations have agreed to increase their collaboration in the delivery of healthy and safe food and in the promotion of trade in fruits and vegetables, especially at domestic and regional levels in sub-Saharan Africa. Recognising the untapped potential for the private sector in supplying urban food markets, both organisations will join forces in the implementation of capacity building programmes targeting MSMEs, starting in Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali and Tanzania. COLEACP is partnering with the Caribbean Export Development Agency (CEDA) and the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce in Europe (CCCE) on a virtual trade mission. Learn more and register here: absolutelycaribbean.vfairs.com/en/GLOBALG.A.P. WORLD CONSULTATION TOUR 2020
CIRAD and COLEACP discussing collaboration
“Absolutely Caribbean” Virtual Expo 2020 will take place 17–18 November. Market linkages will be facilitated between more than 100 Caribbean suppliers to reach buyers across European markets in the agro-processing sector (sauces and condiments, chocolate, coffee).